

is a video messaging app that focuses on quick interactions and reactions which are filmed when a user opens a message.

My task was to pitch and direct a marketing campaign to test couples as a target audience for the app

Marketing and Design Director

Aug 2023 (1 month)

Faheem Kajee (Cofounder)
Lara Rudar (Marketing Intern)

At the time, Seen was looking to increase the number of users along with the retention. From our previous groups of users, we noticed a successful use case being one with a significant other. This may be due to a couple's obligation to one another but also aspects of a relationship (comfort with one another and it being more common to send photos, videos, and voice notes to one another)

So, I outlined the following end-to-end for the Battle of the Couples campaign.
1. User taps the tiktok link and visits landing page
2. They fill out the form for themselves and their partner
3. Both couples receive an invitation letter with more detailed information and the test flight link
4. Couples receive a second email a welcome packet with fun date ideas
5. Couples also start receiving text messages: Milestones (levels) → sent through by email and text
6. Top 3 couples with the highest points get the prizes (September 18th)

In summary, the website design goals were the following:
☞ mobile view forward
☞ graphics and wording on the website should be funny/distruptive
☞ clean/well designed overall, as the website should feel trustworthy
With the marketing campaign, I had proposed that we make a new TikTok account separate form the existing Seen acount. This is so the posts could reach our target audience (<24 yo, female, in the US).

With Lara, we began the first 3 days posting similar relationship content we found on our own feeds. These posts call the viewer to comment, which end up helping the post's engagement. It wasn't until our third day, that a post I made went viral, and we stuck to the post's design for cohesion.


The general branding became 'nanago bears' which are emojis from LINE that I had often saved on one of my Pinterest boards. The general audience for this aesthetic was our target demographic as depicted in our Tiktok analytics--note this was when we had our first viral post (leading to 1,600+ followers).

As I fall into this category, I created a mood board of images that fit this cuter, asian aesthetic.

Following the design guide I initally pitched, I started by designing animated assets for the website that conveyed the brand identity of our TikTok account.

The initial mock up featured most of the final assets. My main focus was emphasizing the social status and reliability of the competition. This required rearranging some of the website information (like the section explaining the reason for the competition and emphasizing how many people are participating through a live leaderboard). My goald in designing the website was to convey that it was one person (specifically, a teenage girl) managing the competition (rather than a company), but that it was still trustworthy. This included sending additional 'digital gifts' like a couples packet to both participants that felt hand designed.


You can view the final design here.